Kia ora, hello! I'm Francesca.
I'm a lucky momma, nutritionist, lifelong writer, and survivor of 20 years of OCD. I live in Taranaki, on the west coast of New Zealand, with my family.
I passionately believe all people seeking better health have a right to be listened to, to receive education on the links between nutrition and mental health, to have the latest scientific research explained to you in a way you can understand, to receive support with functional testing (blood tests, stool analysis, mycotoxin testing, heavy metal testing) and thorough explanation of your results, and to receive support with uncovering the root causes of your health issues.
My experience of severe illness and recovery is not just textbook experience, it is lived experience.
I developed mild symptoms of OCD around age 10. At age 14, OCD became severe. Metaphysical contamination was a big theme. I also had checking themes, harm fears... Like many people, with OCD, I felt deeply ashamed of what I was experiencing. And there was no internet back then. I was very alone with OCD.
I also struggled for years with PMS, chronic insomnia, migraines, fatigue, hyperhidrosis, adult acne, dizziness, bloating, and other health issues.
In my late 20s, OCD began to worsen, and I was starting to struggle to leave my house.
That's when I finally sought help. After living for over a decade with life-wrecking OCD, savage insomnia, and everything else.
Working online with a naturopath to learn about how nutrition and herbal medicine could help me, gave me my life back. Over 18 months, my symptoms of OCD reduced by 90%. I also no longer got migraines every few months, I slept SO much better, I was no longer bloated or constipated, and I felt energized and happy. My skin glowed. I laughed a lot more! And PMS...what PMS?
Healing took time though - which is understandable given I'd been unwell for SO LONG. I spent about 18 months committed to nutrition and lifestyle changes, and developed a regular yoga practice too. I started playing piano again, after a 16-year hiatus. I went no contact with toxic people. We moved to a magical village on a sparkling harbour. And a kitty, who was made from love and liked to leap for pats, appeared on our doorstep.
Healing came in many forms.
Once my overall mental and physical health was HUGELY improved, ERP therapy was another tool I added to my OCD tool kit a few years later.
This is the short version of my experience with OCD and recovery, and it's a long time ago now. But I've never forgotten the hell that was OCD.
I became a qualified nutritionist in 2017 and since then, I've worked with clients in New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the US, the UK, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Egypt, Cambodia, and Tahiti.
My clients have a wide range of factors contributing to their OCD symptoms and other health issues (just like I did), such as:
- severe nutrient depletion
- an MTHFR genetic variant and associated lowered methyaltion capability
- compromised liver detoxification
- digestive conditions (e.g., Coeliac disease, leaky gut, dysbiosis, hypochlorhydria)
- drug-induced nutrient-depletion
- hyperhidrosis
- chronic stress
- traumatic life events, adverse childhood experiences
- histamine intolerance
- compromised immune function (e.g., history of repeated illness, history of taking many courses of antibiotics)
- streptococcus infection (PANDAS)
- long COVID-19 and the resulting inflammation and oxidative stress
- mold toxicity.
It's a privilege to help you understand all the factors that are impacting your health, and help you learn how you can feel better.
Looking for more information? There are articles and my ebook. And you can make a booking here or email me here.
I'm glad you're here!